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VASBO offers three scholarships to deserving high school seniors.

One scholarship, the Edie Williams Scholarship, is valued at $2,000 and was created in remembrance of a VASBO Past President whose dedication to our organization and her community was extraordinary. The other two scholarships are valued at $1,500 each.

To be eligible, an applicant must be the child or grandchild or stepchild/grandchild of a member in good standing of VASBO. The applicant’s sponsor must be a current VASBO member for three consecutive years, not counting the current year.

The successful applicant will be chosen based on the VASBO Scholarship Committee's assessment of the applicant's academic achievement, character, school, community service, and career goals. The recipients will be chosen after the deadline and announced immediately thereafter.

Scholarship recipients will be invited to the VASBO Spring Conference, typically held in May each year. Each recipient will be formally recognized at the Cardinal Award Luncheon which is on the second day of the three-day conference.

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  • Complete the online scholarship form (preferred) including a 200 or fewer-word personal statement relating to the applicant's career goals, program of study, and the value of this scholarship in meeting the applicant's career and educational objectives.

  • Two letters of recommendation, with at least one from a high school official.

  • Current Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) or ACT scores

  • A current high school transcript that includes grades, grade-point average, and class rank. The transcript must be complete through the junior year.


All applications and required supporting documents must be submitted online here by April 1st.

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